Housing Opportunities

Finding the type of housing that best fits your needs can be a challenge. A variety of housing opportunities are available through Cuyahoga DD. The videos below highlight different types of housing available in Cuyahoga County and the supports that can be in place within those types of homes to meet people's needs. Some options may be a good fit for right now, while others may be a housing goal to strive for in the future! To learn more about Assistive Technology, click here.

If you have any questions after watching the videos, please contact your Support Administrator (SA) or, if you are not connected with an SA, reach out to the Cuyahoga DD Intake and Eligibility Department at (216) 736-2673 or send an email to Intake@cuyahogabdd.org.



TryTech Apartments: A unique opportunity for people with developmental disabilities to live in a smart apartment in an integrated building for the duration of a short-term lease, allowing them to try tools and technology they might want to use in their future daily home life.

Shared Living: Shared living is a unique opportunity to live in the home of a friend, family member, or someone in the community who is paid to provide needed supports. Interested? Watch this video! (Waiver Required)



Living Alone: Do you hope to one day live on your own, but you are not sure how to start planning? Watch the video to hear from two people who made living alone possible for themselves.



Living with Family: Do you live with family but want to increase your independence, supports, or community connections? Watch the video to see how others living with family have done just that!



Living with a Group of Peers: Watch below to learn about people who chose to live with their peers – a great way to share supports and expenses!



Living with Others in a Licensed Setting: Would you like the structure of an ICF but the choice offered by living in a home in the community? Watch the video to how you can live with others in a licensed facility!



Living More Independently Thanks to Technology: No matter what type of housing you choose, there are endless ways to use technology to become more independent. Watch the video to see how technology has benefited others!



Living in an Intermediate Care Facility: Would you prefer a structured environment with increased oversight and supports? Learn more about living in an ICF.

Resources for ICFs:

DODD Online ICF Search Tool

DODD Electronic ICF Informational Booklet