Report Abuse/Neglect
If someone is in danger, call 911.
Reporting Abuse, Neglect, Theft
To report a concern of abuse, neglect, or theft happening to a person with developmental disabilities, call the Cuyahoga DD MUI Reporting Hotline at any time at 440-333-6841.
You can report a concern without giving your name.
If This Is Happening To You, Tell Someone
- Tell someone you trust like a friend, family member, church member or coworker. Keep telling someone until you get the help you need.
- Tell your Support Administrator (SA) or call the Cuyahoga DD MUI Reporting Hotline at 440-333-6841.
- Tell someone at the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) by calling the DODD Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-866-313-6733 or report your concern online.
Learn more about abuse by viewing this easy read guide.
For Providers: To report a MUI
If you are a provider, please click here for complete directions on how to report a Major Unusual Incident (MUI).

Image of Report Abuse Sign