Event Supports
Mobile Sensory Space
The vehicle provides a calming space for anyone who may become overstimulated at community events and activities. Our Mobile Sensory Vehicle enables us to showcase a variety of sensory equipment to help with self-calming and regulation for day programs and community locations looking for ideas to create their own dedicated sensory space.
The vehicle has a full complement of sensory equipment for relaxation or stimulation including a mesmerizing Bubble Tube, interactive tactile panels, twinkling lights, and much more.

Portable Universal Changing Station
Community events are best when they are inclusive of the whole community. When events and public spaces lack universal changing tables, they exclude older children and adults with self-care needs like diaper changing, toileting, addressing colostomies, and using catheters away from home. By incorporating our portable universal changing station, events ensure clean and safe restroom access for all.
We want to ensure guests of events have access to the resources they need to change their loved ones in a clean and dignified space. Our portable changing station includes:
- 10’x10’ four-walled privacy tent
- Wipes and gloves
- Changing pads
- Covered trash can
- Disinfectant wipes
- Tent Transport & Set Up/Tear Down
- Staff support