
Empower DD Podcast

The Cuyahoga DD podcast will discuss navigating the developmental disabilities field, exploring new technologies, and you will hear stories from people living, learning, working and playing in their community.



Annual Reports

We're pleased to share our Annual Reports, containing information on the number of people served, revenue and expenditures, outcomes achieved and more.

Click on the year below to learn more for each year.


Annual Plans

We’re pleased to share our 2021 Annual Plan, containing the goals and outcomes that we will work to achieve during each year. Click on the year below to learn more details.



Strategic Plan

This plan outlines the specific goals and strategies the agency will pursue, focusing on helping more people access needed and quality services. Click on the years below to learn more.

Out & About

Meet the Recreation, Arts & Culture and Libraries who received grants from Cuyahoga DD to improve accessible and inclusive programming. Click on the year below to view all the organizations and programming.


Various other publications regarding Cuyahoga DD.