Age Groups
Cuyahoga DD helps people of all ages with developmental disabilities. Choose the age group below to learn more.
How to Begin
- Contact your Support Administrator (SA) if you have one.
- For children from birth to age 2: call Bright Beginnings at 216-698-7500.
- If you are over age 2 and don’t have an SA or are new to Cuyahoga DD: call us at 216-736-2673 or use the online Application for Services.
- Call us anytime at 216-241-8230 or send an email.
- School staff: make a referral.
Ages Birth - Two
If you have concerns about your baby or toddler not meeting developmental milestones, call Bright Beginnings to start the “Early Intervention” (EI) eligibility process. In EI, Bright Beginnings coordinates services; Cuyahoga DD provides services.
To start, call Bright Beginnings at 216-698-7500. They will reach out to you and begin the process. Most of your interactions with Bright Beginnings will be online or over the phone. If eligible, Cuyahoga DD services will be provided in-person in your home and other places your child feels comfortable.

If you are a professional making a referral for a child under age three, please use the statewide referral portal available here.
Once eligible for services, depending on your needs, an Early Intervention team from Cuyahoga DD might offer:
- PT: Physical Therapy. Help to move your body better
- OT: Occupational Therapy. Help with doing things better
- SLP: Speech/Language Therapy. Help people understand you better
- Developmental specialist: engagement and learning in all areas of your child's development
- Lending Libraries for technology and equipment
- Family Supports Program
To learn more, visit Bright Beginnings.
This video explains how Early Intervention services can help:
School Age
Cuyahoga DD specialists and therapists work with parents and public school district personnel as necessary to help school-aged youth develop appropriate skills and behavior. Support is available for youth through high school graduation or age 22. Eligibility for Cuyahoga DD services is redetermined at ages 3, 6 and 16. Our professionals consult with you and school staff to address needs at home, in the community, and in school as appropriate.
Planning and Support
Everyone enrolled on a Medicaid Home and Community-based Services Waiver is assigned a Support Administrator (SA). Sometimes an SA may be assigned to people who have extensive planning needs but do not receive waiver-funded supports.
A Support Administrator helps to create a plan that centers on your child and their goals. The SA will:
- Talk with the child’s parents/guardians
- Identify needs and concerns and develop a plan (Individual Service Plan or ISP) to address these
- Focus on the child’s strengths, skills and abilities
- Find solutions, preferably community-based solutions
- Make sure the services and supports work best for the child
Consultation and Assistance
Behavior Supports in the Community
Cuyahoga DD provides a wide range of behavior supports to help people thrive in the home and community. Our team of behavioral health professionals focuses on positive approaches when supporting. Our methods are rooted in trauma-informed principles and are oriented toward helping youth move toward their full potential. School-based behavior intervention supports, in partnership with school staff, can include assessment of behaviors and recommendations for learning materials, adapting the classroom environment to meet a student’s needs, and developing positive behavior strategies.
Mental Health Supports
Assessment of behavioral needs, consultation with parents and caregivers, and referrals to community-based mental-health supports are available.
Human Sexuality Supports
Including sexuality and social skills information, education, training and consultation to adults, their families, caregivers, staff and community agencies. Services may include screening, assessment of sexual knowledge, appropriateness of behaviors, strategies for responding to sexual behaviors and policy development for agencies. These services are available to people age 18 and older. Cuyahoga DD does not provide direct human sexuality services to minors: consultation may be available to parents and support teams on a limited basis.
Job Seekers
Visit the Employment Support page.
Occupational and Physical Therapy
Cuyahoga DD occupational and physical therapists conduct assessments and provide consultative support at home and in the community. They help you develop and improve daily living and self-care skills. They can help you move your body better and manage long-lasting or ongoing conditions through equipment trials, activities, accommodations and/or home modifications.
Speech/Language Therapy
Cuyahoga DD speech/language therapists assess communication skills. They make recommendations to improve communication, problem-solving and social skills. Support is available at home, in the community, and in school as appropriate and can include equipment trials and activities. A Cuyahoga DD American Sign Language interpreter is available upon request.
Assistive Technology
Through a wide range of technology, an assistive technology specialist helps people with developmental disabilities increase independence, safety, and participation at home, in the community, and in school as appropriate. Learn more here.
Travel Assessment and Training
Cuyahoga DD community access specialists are available to help you build skills to go out into the community. Learn more here.
Cuyahoga DD supports adults as they face many important decisions, such as where to live, where to work, forming new friendships, and exploring interests in the community. Your Support Administrator (SA) or other Cuyahoga DD staff will help you plan for your needs and identify providers, including community-based agencies, that can enrich your life.
Planning and Support
Everyone enrolled on a Medicaid Home and Community-based Services Waiver is assigned a Support Administrator (SA). Sometimes an SA may be assigned to people who have extensive planning needs but do not receive waiver-funded supports.
A Support Administrator helps to create a plan that centers on you and your goals. The SA will:
- Talk with your parents/guardians
- Identify needs and concerns and develop a plan (Individual Service Plan or ISP) to address these
- Focus on your strengths, skills and abilities
- Find solutions, preferably ones that are community-based
- Make sure the services and supports work best for you
Consultation and Assistance
Behavior Supports in the Community
Our team of behavioral health professionals uses a wide range of behavioral supports to help people thrive. Emphasizing positive approaches to understanding and supporting the unique needs of each individual. Our methods are rooted in trauma-informed principles oriented toward helping people pursue their goals and realize their full potential. We provide services directly to individuals, consultation with guardians, liaison with the criminal justice system, coordination with other social service agencies, and training and consultation to providers of service.
Mental Health Supports
Short-term counseling for those who are not able to secure appropriate community-based counseling, psychological testing if required for service planning, and referrals to community-based mental-health support is available. All services are intended to assist people and their families in the promotion of mental health and well-being.
Human Sexuality Supports
Supports include sexuality and social skills information, education, training and consultation to adults, their families, caregivers, staff and community agencies. Services may include screening, assessment of sexual knowledge, appropriateness of behaviors, strategies for responding to sexual behaviors, and policy development for agencies. These services are available to people ages 18 and older.
Job Seekers
Visit the Employment Support page here.
Occupational and Physical Therapy
Cuyahoga DD occupational and physical therapists conduct assessments and provide consultative support at home and in the community. They help you develop and improve daily living and self-care skills. They can help you move your body better and manage long-lasting or ongoing conditions through equipment trials, activities, accommodations and/or home modifications.
Speech/Language Therapy
Cuyahoga DD speech/language therapists assess communication skills. They make recommendations to improve communication, problem-solving and social skills. Support is available at home and in the community. This can include equipment trials and activities. A Cuyahoga DD American Sign Language interpreter is available upon request.
Assistive Technology
Through a wide range of technology, an assistive technology specialist helps people with developmental disabilities increase independence, safety, and participation at home and in the community. Learn more here.
Travel Assessment and Training
Cuyahoga DD community access specialists are available to help you build skills to go out into the community. Learn more here.